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I love sexy vampires!!!!!! Would love to get this book!!!!!
Oh! I want in the contest!
hey hey hey! Too many people on here entering contests they’re not even interested in. I only entered the ones that I thought I would truly enjoy. This book is one of them. Thanks for the contest!
Not…exactly my cup of tea. But my DW would love it!
jking323 at yahoo dot com
Zombie romance can only bring one thought to my mind…”Ewww….” nothing sexy that I can think of there.
Would love to win this book:) There’s a YA series called Generation Dead where teenagers that die don’t stay dead so I guess they could be classified as sexy zombies.
geckyboz at gmail dot com
This book sounds so inciting! I would love to win this!
Hey Zoe, since you commented, does that mean you now have a chance to give yourself a signed copy of your own book? 🙂
Yeah, I’m not sure it’s possible to remake a zombie into something actually sexy.
Rehabbing the cannibal-eating-human-brains thing probably wouldn’t be that hard; after all, vampires and werewolves have cannibalistic aspects, and nobody seems to get squicked out by that these days.
But it’s the *death* thing that zombies can’t get past. With vampires, death just transforms their way of living; their minds and bodies continue on in a perfectly viable (even superhuman) way after their “deaths.”
Zombies, on the other hand, they *are* dead. Reanimated, but definitely dead. At worst, they’re shambling, rotting wrecks; even at their best, they’re still subhuman.
Maybe somebody just needs to Stephenie Meyerize them. A dude dies, is buried, and then transforms into a sparkly, shiny, godlike thing that erupts from the grave…to eat people’s brains?
I dunno… Maybe… Nobody take this idea. It’s mine! (I’ll start writing my bestseller tomorrow.)
dallenrose a t hot mail dotcom
For some reason, all I can imagine in a sex scene in a zombie romance is the couple getting all hot and heavy… Suddenly an ear falls off… Talk about mood killer!
emilyking630 at yahoo dot com