Amanda Hocking

Amanda's Blog

Under the Seapalooza Kickoff + Giveaway!

July 23rd, 2012 by
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It’s officially here! Under the Seapalooza has begun, and I’m starting it off with a giveaway!

Signed ARCs of Wake to five different winners ! The giveaway is running from July 23rd until August 3rd, and you can enter through the little Rafflecopter box below 😉 I forgot to mention, this particular giveaway is open internationally. It does end on August 3rd at midnight.

In case you don’t want what Wake is all about, here’s the description and the cover:

Beautiful. Fearless. Dangerous. They’re the kind of girls you envy; the kind of girls you want to hate. Strangers in town for the summer, Penn, Thea, and Lexi have caught everyone’s attention, including the eye of practical Harper. But it’s her sister, Gemma, they’ve chosen to be part of their group.

Suddenly Gemma is stronger, faster, and more beautiful than ever. As she uncovers the truth about her new mythical powers, Gemma is forced to choose between staying with those she loves or entering a dark world brimming with unimaginable secrets.  

Coming August 7, 2012.  

Here’s some other fun things going on today:

an interview at Flying on Silver Wings where readers asked the questions
a review & a giveaway of Wake at Insightful Minds
the first still from the Wake book trailer is up at Facebook

This week, I’m going to have some stills from the incredible book trailer for Wake – one a day until the trailer premieres on August 1st. I’m also going to post some other sneak peaks and teasers about the book. Plus, other people are stopping by with giveaways.

Tomorrow, Nikki Jefford, the author of Entangled, has a vlog and a giveaway. On Thursday, I’ve got a special meme-themed giveaway, that Nikki came up with, and it’s going to be lots of fun.

So stick around over the next couple weeks.;)

Things to Look Forward to in the Near Future

July 18th, 2012 by
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So much stuff coming up. I’ll be honest and say it’s pretty hard for me to focus on anything other than The Dark Knight Rises premiere in just over 24 hours, but I’m working on it.

This is the life-size cardboard cutout of Bane (Tom Hardy) from The Dark Knight Rises that currently resides in my music room.

Here’s some of the fun stuff. I’ve got up the current list for Under the Seapalooza blog tour dates. I will be adding more links and giveaways as time goes on, because I know I’m forgetting stuff. But there’s the current dates.

If you don’t know, Under the Seapalooza is a blog tour to celebrate the release of Wake (coming out August 7th), with lots of guest posts, giveaways, sneak peaks, and all sorts of fun stuff. More details are to come, but Under the Seapalooza starts Monday, so check it out!

In addition to the blog tour, I’ll also be doing a physical book tour going to 11 cities across the US doing signings and a couple Q&As, and even several panels at LeakyCon in Chicago. For more information on the tour, click: here or check the Events tab at the top of the blog.

So, tomorrow, starting at 6 pm, I’m going to see all three movies the Dark Knight trilogy in IMAX, ending with the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at midnight. Then I’m going to The Dark Knight Rises again in IMAX at 8:00 pm on Friday, resulting in me seeing the film twice in a 24-hour-period, and dragging poor Eric along with me. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more excited for anything in my entire life.

I’ll probably be blogging about my viewing experience this weekend, but I’ll keep at as spoiler free as possible. Because that’s how I roll.

Also, starting next week, I’ll be releasing some pretty awesome stills from the Wake book trailer, leading up to the premiere on July 31st.

So, that’s all for now. Keep an eye out for giveaways and other fun stuff on the blogosphere, and I hope to see many of you at the book tour in August.

Behind the Scenes

July 9th, 2012 by
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Last week, my publisher some fun behind-the-scenes pics of the shoot for the cover of Wake. You can check them all out: here.

But here’s a few choice shots:

I think these two are Gemma and Alex.

July 3rd, 2012 by
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I am a lame person. Here’s what I did tonight. I bought a ringtone for my phone that sounds like a kitten meowing. I played it many times because it confused my cats a whole bunch. Squeak is currently sitting next to me, meowing because she can’t figure where the kitten is, even though I stopped playing the ringtone like 15 minutes ago.

Squeak is the little tabby, and Nikki is the big fluffy one. My dog Elroy (the big gray butt) is also confused by the noise, but much less bothered than the cats.

Event Planning

June 25th, 2012 by
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Thanks to everybody for their responses so far about the “blog event” I’m planning for this summer. I’m still working out the details of everything, but I really appreciate all the feedback.

(If you’re unfamiliar with what I am speaking about, check out my last blog: Calling All Bookbloggers & Readers.)

I’m trying to come up with a catchy title for the “event.” I’ll probably come up with like 80 really bad ones and whine to Eric about it, then he’ll come up with one really awesome one. (Fun fact: Eric came up with the names for 3 of the Watersong books, as well as the name of our band, Fraggin Aardvarks. Well, kinda. Jim Henson actually came up with the name, but Eric was one the that decided we should use it.)

Anyway, I’m thinking that the “event” will officially run from July 23rd until August 17th. That means I’ll have 20 full days of fun event stuff (I’m keeping weekends open).

But that’s just for myself. I’m excited about visiting other blogs and doing interviews and guest blogs and giveaways elsewhere too. (I’m in the process of gathering swag, so I’ll let you know what I have to giveaway when I’m able to gather things.)

I’ve been getting many requests for interviews. And while I want to be able to do them all, I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I don’t want to over extend myself or have twenty interviews going up on the same day, because that won’t benefit you or me or blog readers, and that’s no fun.

With that said, if you have something going on at your blog at all this summer and would like me to participate, please ask (I prefer emails at but you can also comment here). But if I do say no to a request, please know that I’m truly sorry. I want to do as many things as I can, but I can’t do everything.