The Results of the Contest
The Valentine’s Day Giveaways (both of them) have finished, and the winners have been chosen. They are being notified by email, so keep an eye out on your email today.
The winners’ first name and the first initial of their last name are displayed on the Rafflecopter entry on the Valentine’s Day blog, so you can check there too. Please reply to the email within 72 hours, so I can get the prizes out to you next week.
Thanks to everyone who entered, and it was really great seeing all of your comments. This time, you also voted on what were your favorite songs from the Tidal soundtrack, your favorite cover for the Watersong novels, and your favorite characters in the books. You also suggested songs you’d like to see on the soundtrack, and I picked my top picks of your picks (let’s say picks a few more times, just for fun).
So here are the winners:
Favorite Cover:
- Tidal – featuring Daniel and Penn – won by a landslide. It got three times as many votes as either of the other two books. It is also the only one that has Daniel on the cover, so that makes sense to me.
- Wake – featuring Gemma – came in second.
- Lullaby – featuring Harper – was a very close third, nearly tying with Wake.

Favorite Character:
- Daniel – but only by a tight lead above Gemma.
- Gemma – very close second.
- Harper – trailed slightly behind her sister.
- Alex – finished out the top four.
- Marcy – She only got two votes, but I still think she’s neat.
Favorite Songs from the Tidal Soundtrack:
- Mumford & Sons – “White Blank Page” was the clear winner, getting twice as many votes as the third place winner, and this comes right after their big win on the Grammy’s means they are really on a roll.
- Civil Wars – “Poison & Wine” is a great song.
- Imogen Heap – “Tidal” got the third place, and as the inspiration of the title for the third novel in the Watersong series, I’m glad to see she placed. (Fun fact: Another one of her songs “The Walk” helped inspire the Trylle novels, particularly some of the end chapters in Switched).
My Top Picks from Your Soundtrack Suggestions:
- Anna Ternheim – “No, I Don’t Remember.” I’d never heard the song before, or at least I don’t recall hearing it, although it was on the Alan Wake soundtrack and I played the game. It’s a really nice, though, and I think it definitely ties in with some of the things coming up in Tidal.
- Imagine Dragons – “Demons.” I love their song “It’s Time,” but I was unfamiliar with this one. It’s a good song, and I think it fits Gemma.
- Death Cab for Cutie – “I Will Follow You Into the Dark.” I love Death Cab. I love this song. It totally works for Harper in relation to Gemma, or Daniel in relation to Harper, or Alex in relation to Gemma. So it fits, and it’s beautiful.
It was really awesome seeing what you guys think, and what you guys have came up with. In future giveaways, I think I’ll definitely do more stuff like this. There will be more giveaways in the future (not sure when yet), and I have a really fun month-long event planned before the release of Tidal in June. Probably one of the funnest things I’ve done yet.
But thanks again to everyone who participated!
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Wake and Lullaby amazing, can not wait for Tidal,I have it pre-ordered!!!! Amanda you are a great author! Really enjoyed the Trylle also amazing!!! 🙂
Wow, Amanda, I can not believe you’re going to read. I love your book, even though I live in Poland, is translated. Unfortunately there is a lot less of your book, because little is translated. But anyway, when we will be translated, I’ll buy it as a series of three best-selling your
Amanda, I love the beautiful cover of Tidal! I cannot wait to read.
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Wow, I’m excited about finding this blog. We’re stuck at home because of the glorious blizzard (yea snow days) and I’m looking for new books to load on my Nook. I’m going to start with your first series. Great music picks! I do this for the books I write, too!
Janet Nuckolls