The Magic Hand
Okay. I have two awesome and important videos to show you. Well, one is important.
People have been asking me a lot lately, hey, why are you selling so many books? What is your secret? And I keep thinking, there is no secret.
And here is the important part of the story I forgot to mention in previous blog posts: There is no magic hand.
Smashcut to me December 2008. I’m making no money. My life feels like a dead end. I’m writing books. Nobody cares. And I say, why isn’t this working? What am I doing wrong?
If you’re me, and I am, you spend a lot of time thinking about how neat Mark Hoppus is and listening to a lot of blink 182 and Fall Out Boy. That led me to this youtube video, which contains the single greatest peice of advice I’ve ever gotten from anybody about writing, and it wasn’t even about writing. So I watched this video late 2008, and it was a wake up call for me to quit whining and get off my ass.
You can watch the whole interview if you want, but the question/answer starts at about :55 seconds in and goes until about 2:10, so it’s short and sweet. Mark’s talking about music, but it applies to writing just as well. Also, Pete Wentz is there.
While looking for this video, I found another great video. Do you remember my blog the tuna fish story in which I discussed how much of a douche John Mayer was on A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus and lamented over being unable to find a video? Well, I found that video.
Watch the whole thing if you like watching douchey things, but the Jay Z story I flipped about in the tuna fish story starts at 5:18. And it so worth it.
You’re welcome.
Leave a Reply to Ginny Cancel reply
Please find another copy of last video, so we can all join you in your rant
FYI: The last video isn’t working =)
And thanks for this awesome post!
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John Mayer can suck it. In the most unpleasant way imaginable. I hate that guy! But I LOVE Jude Law…so…there!
I think the first video definitely applies to writing. Everyone has an equal opportunity to work their asses off and realize their dreams. That’s why I’m always really happy for you and never jealous of you when good things happen in your life. I know you worked your butt off and are a writing machine. Simple as that.
I for some reason watched the whole John Mayer video and wish I hadn’t.
Interesting. First of all, I had to google to figure out who John Mayer is. (I am not at all into the music scene. I live most of my life entirely music free. I’m an odd duck that way.) But from just this video, I didn’t get that he was being a dick. I sort of got the impression that he’s an intelligent introvert who communicates so confidently that his introversion isn’t obvious.
This makes me somewhat paranoid that tons of people think I’m an asshole because my communication style is somewhat similar. I don’t really object to being an asshole when necessary, but I do worry about coming off as one accidentally. So, my question then, to people who dislike that John fellow, is what is it about him that seems dickish to you? I am genuinely curious.
Right? And what’s so bizarre to me is that Mark likes him and thinks it’s all cool, when the guy is being a douche to him.
I’d like to believe that he watched the tape and went, “Oh. John Mayer is a dick.”
Wow, you were totally right about Mayer’s tuna fish story! He uses the same tone of voice as Jude in IHH, and you can totally tell he has told that story/rehearsed it numerous times. Most/all of his interview is super condescending…What a tool.
Also, Mark’s advise in the first video is pretty dead on for anything people want in life…I’m glad it’s worked so well for you!!