that guy from that thing
I feel like I should update my blog, but I don’t want to talk about me. I’ve talked about me a lot and everybody else has talked about me and it’s just enough of me.
Let’s talk about William Fichtner. You may say to yourself, “I don’t know who that it is,” and you’d probably be right, but then you’d look at a picture of him and go, “Oh yeah! He’s that guy from the thing!” Yep. That’s William Fichtner.
He’s been in a number of television shows and movies over the past twenty years, including The Dark Knight, Prison Break, Armageddon, Mr & Mrs Smith, and Crash. And I’ve always enjoyed him. But on Friday I saw on Drive Angry, and it officially won me over as a hardcore fan.
Okay. So I know what you’re thinking. “Drive Angry 3D? Really?” Yes. I expected it to be horrible. But it wasn’t. I seriously loved it. And I would say at least 90% of that love came from William Fichtner’s protrayal of the Accountant.
I will say that by the end of the film, I still didn’t completely understand what he was “accounting.” And some of the film didn’t completely “make sense.” But the explosions were fun. The cars were awesome (it was mostly a 69 Charger). And William Fichtner was incredibly badass.
So I would recommend going seeing it. I honestly gave it to a 9 out of 10. My viewing companions didn’t enjoy it as much as I did. But I’ve figured out that if at least one thing blows up and at least one person is super awesome and kickass, then I will enjoy the movie. Especially when I see it in theaters.
At any rate, William Fichtner is somebody who deserves more buzz this week than me. So go watch Drive Angry or Albino Alligator or The Dark Knight. But really, you should watch The Dark Knight every day anyway.
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Yeah! Will Fichtner love!! It’s about bloody time! Nobody else in my circle knows who he is, but he’s awesome!
Didn’t this actor get his start in John Carpenter’s “The Fog” way back in the day?
Nicholas La Salla
One More Day: A Modern Ghost Story
He was on The Longest Yard also.
Congrats on all your success!!!
Thanks for giving us your view of what has been happening. Congrats by the way on your success. I agree its time to move on and I enjoy your regular posts.
Wait, isn’t this the “nice guy” who tried to date Grace on Grace Under Fire?
Yeah, I love him too. *sigh*
Also, mean people suck.
Aaah!! This is the guy who played “Josh” on As the World Turns. The uncle who raped “Iva” when she was only 13. So…as a result of that whenever I look at him I just go “EWW”. However, he was in a show called “Invasion” that was AWESOME and naturally got cancelled b/c all the shows I like get cancelled.
Ha! That’s exactly how I refer to him. When I celeb spotted him awhile back I just couldn’t think of what he was in but knew he was in everything!
I just have to keep repeating “Batman, batman, batman” so I don’t forget. He is such a great actor and now I actually know his name. Thanks!
YES! He’s such a good actor that I feel a little sheepish that every time I see him in something new I have to call my mom (or she calls me) to tell her that “creepy Josh” (the character he played on As the World Turns…and he WAS creepy!) is in something new. It’s become some a goofy game between us. So yeah, backing up the William Fichtner love.
I like your blog a lot