Q & A (The Q Part)
My good friend/platonic lifemate/assistant Eric and I were talking the other day. He’s obsessed with Rosie O’Donnell, and she has a feature on her blog called “Ask Ro.” Ever since I’ve had a blog, Eric has been suggesting that I have an “Ask Mandy” feature. (That last part makes more sense when you know that he and Barry Manilow call me “Mandy.”)
Anyway, I have new book coming out next week. (A fun fairytale called Virtue. For more info on it, click: here.) So I thought now would be a good time to try out the “Ask Amanda” thing. Or “Ask Mandy,” if you prefer. I’ve never much cared what people call me. I’m not like Bradley Cooper and insist you call me “Bradley” even though I’m an adult male.
Here’s how the “Ask Amanda” thing will work:
In the comments section of this very blog, you write a question. If it’s profane or illegible, I won’t answer it. If it asks for a spoiler (i.e. how will the last My Blood Approves book end?), then I won’t answer it. Otherwise pretty much everything is fair game.
You have until Thursday, May 26th at midnight (central time) to ask a question. Then on Friday, Eric and I will go through the questions and pick some to answer. We’ll just pick them based on whatever strikes our fancy. (Note: Eric’s fancy will probably have a larger pull than my fancy, since he’s very excited about this).
Then sometime either on Friday or Saturday, Eric and I will make a video blog (a vlog, if you will) with the answers to the questions. Why a video? I don’t know. It’s something that Rosie used to do, and apparently, it’s important to the whole “Ask Ro” theme.
I’m not sure how many questions we’ll answer (and Eric will be helping answer, so feel free to direct questions to him). I guess it depends on how many questions you ask and how long it takes me to answer. We’ll probably spend about 5 or 10 minutes answering them, because any longer than that feels like something I would fast forward through.
So there you have it. Ask away!
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I started reading your books with the Trylle series. I love them and have read everything that you have had a hand in writing. My question is…
When will the next book in the zombie series be coming out. I am very intrested in what happens next with Remy.
Keep writing!
is trylle trilogy movie currently being created? if so if it is a sucess! i hope so! would you make your other books movies. I love ur books some how i always like the opposite people your characters like. I LOVE PETER, FINNNNNNNNN, ripley, BLUEEEE, OMG they are awesome . I love ur characters so much . Praising the almighty Amanda! <(^ . ^)>
– Keep up the hard work. it shown in your amazing books
Do you have other interests besides writing, ie: singing, drawing, fishing, golf ball collecting, shoe lace tip coloring, computer smashing, iron/gold smithing, walking around like a troll and pretending to be tylle, obsessing over jim sturgess and being a prominent member of his fan club, saying May the fourth be with you every 5/4, making glass out of sand, stabbing paper when your angry, stabbing people when your angry?
What;s your plotting write, do you just dish things out like a severede artery and correct later or do you plan, plan, plan.
Word count for your books:do you have a specific number you aim for – or do you just write until you feel the story is complete? x
Really great blog. My friends referred me your site. Looks like everyone knows about it. I’m going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.
When will Honalee be coming out? It’s not in the ‘Upcoming Projects’ list and it’s not in your list of published books. ={ I’m desperate to read it, have been since I saw the first description of it on here! Please, give me my fix!
Sorry this one is late, I live in what is left of Joplin, MO and haven’t had internet until now. So, my question is: What is your process for coming up with your ideas for plots in your novels and series?
what actors whould u like to see play in Trylle Trilogy? I hope it will become extrordinary and you very sucessful!
How did you design the covers for ‘Switched’, ‘Torn’ and ‘Ascend’ because I want to design my own covers to start with. I think those three covers are just right for the books, they are atmospheric.
I wish you continued success.