Only One More Sleep… PLUS a Vlog
I seriously wrote this entire blog on Saturday and set it up to post this morning, but it just disappeared. I’m very frustrated by this. But oh well, there’s not much I can do now.
I’m now writing this new blog from my hotel in New York City, where I will be doing some promo stuff for the release of Switched tomorrow, January 3rd. I’m doing a book signing tomorrow at the Barnes & Noble in Princeton, NJ at 7:00 pm, and if you’re in the area, you should totally check it out. I’ll also be in the USA Today tomorrow, so you should also check that out.
I’m really, really excited and also mind-numbling terrified for Switched to hit bookshelves tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear what people think of the new short story, “The Vittra Attacks,” because nobody’s read that yet.
Also, if you are picking yourself up a copy of Switched tomorrow, you should totally take a picture of yourself with it in the store. (As long as it doesn’t break any laws or store policies). Share it with me via Twitter, Facebook, or email – hockingbooks@hotmailcom, and I’ll post some of my favorites later on this week.
Now with all that rambling out the way, why don’t I go ahead and post the vlog I made? It’s actually a “tutorial” on how to pronounce some of the words in the Trylle books, since I get questions about them a lot.
So.. here it is:
And don’t forget! Tomorrow is the big day! I sincerely hope that you, your friends, and every person you’ve ever had any form of contact with picks up a copy. And if you do, I really hope you enjoy it. I’m really grateful for all the support I’ve gotten so far
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Fabrice Muamba disclosed to reporters just to get out of bed feeling:” I only in my bedside control myself5 paces, but like this, makes me feel like in London ray ban sale a marathon, you know, a few months ago and I still think to run a few miles is still very easy things. I will never forget that a few steps, I felt like a toddler, like my 3 year old son, Joshua, I can’t even put their feet go back to bed.”
You know, I really liked you before I saw your video. Now, after seeing the WICKEDLY AWESOME Han Solo in the background (plus you are crazy adorable–Is that a Jack Sparrow Necklace?) I think I am in love!!!
Reading you always!!
From your fan in Japan.
She read My Mind On how Ts Pronouce Rhys Name But I really Love the Book Im not Sure How Many Books Are out Now But I think Its Like 1 But I see Torn And Other Book Cover Pictures So Im Steel KindOf fuzzy About that
I just have to say that I absoloutely love your writing style and your new book, Switched!!! I heard about you buut, I hadn’t read one of your books yet and i bought it in early January. This is the kind of YA book I have been looking for! It’s different but, it’s still YA fiction. I love it so much! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
Love the Han Solo sculpture in back!
So it WAS scandinavian words! I did wonder when I read them the first time, but decided to not take too much notice of it; it wouldn’t be the first time an author mixed up some cool words. It’s not often norwegian words enter the english language, so I’m stupidly happy about it.
Keep at it, girl!
Love from several fans in Norway
I have quite a few friends who are manks. Its the name of the people who live on the Isle Of Man ( little place between England and Ireland).
I have read a few books of your on my kindle – I think you are very talented and I highley enjoy your work. I look forward to reading more from you!
Oh..and Markisinna is a swedish word mening marchioness – nobility woman
Do you know that many of your words is actually Norwegian words, an example: Kanin is actually the same as rabbit in English, forening is the same as Association, Trylle is the same as magic,Markis is the same as awning. Skojare is a swedish word for scams:P Thought you might think it was fun to know
Greetings from Norway