Everything You Should Know About the Valkyrie Duology
You may have heard that I have a new series about Valkyries coming out, but other than that, I haven’t said much about it, even though I have been hard at work on the books for a year (I’m currently just finishing up the second book now). It turned out to be an intense, ambitious duology, and I am certain that this is far and away my best work. I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone and took risks that I think really paid off.
It’s dark and gritty, but also beautiful and filled with all types of monsters and mythologies. Malin is nineteen-year-old Valkyrie, and she’s the deeply flawed heroine who leads a cast of diverse characters in a world that is running out space and time.
Anyway, you probably just want to get to the juicy bits, so I’ll just get on with it, and show you the covers, the release dates, and brief description (PLUS an excerpt!)

Game of Thrones meets Blade Runner in this new futuristic YA fantasy inspired by Norse mythology that will be out January 2, 2018
As one of the Valkyries, Malin’s duty is to slay immortals and return them to the afterlife. But when she unearths a secret that could unravel everything she knows, Malin must decide where her loyalties lie. At the same time, she wonders if helping blue-eyed boy Asher enact his revenge is worth the risk, all while her ex tries to get back into her heart.
Check out Entertainment Weekly’s cover reveal for more info and an excerpt from Between the Blade and the Heart!
Right now, both Between the Blade and the Heart and From the Earth to the Shadows are available for preorder in paperback, but they will be out in ebook also (and up for preorder closer to the release dates). Both books will also be out worldwide in English, and I will post more once I have the official release dates and covers for the UK, Australia, and elsewhere.
Preorder Between the Blade and the Heart (out January 2, 2018)
Amazon: http://bit.ly/BBHAmazon
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/BBHBN
Books-a-Million: http://bit.ly/BBHBAM
Indiebound: http://bit.ly/BBHIND
Powell’s: http://bit.ly/BBHPOW
Preorder From the Earth to the Shadows (out March 27, 2018)
Amazon: http://bit.ly/FESAM
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/FESBN
Books-a-Million: http://bit.ly/FESBAM
Indiebound: http://bit.ly/FESIN
Powell’s: http://bit.ly/FESPOW