Event Planning
Thanks to everybody for their responses so far about the “blog event” I’m planning for this summer. I’m still working out the details of everything, but I really appreciate all the feedback.
(If you’re unfamiliar with what I am speaking about, check out my last blog: Calling All Bookbloggers & Readers.)
I’m trying to come up with a catchy title for the “event.” I’ll probably come up with like 80 really bad ones and whine to Eric about it, then he’ll come up with one really awesome one. (Fun fact: Eric came up with the names for 3 of the Watersong books, as well as the name of our band, Fraggin Aardvarks. Well, kinda. Jim Henson actually came up with the name, but Eric was one the that decided we should use it.)
Anyway, I’m thinking that the “event” will officially run from July 23rd until August 17th. That means I’ll have 20 full days of fun event stuff (I’m keeping weekends open).
But that’s just for myself. I’m excited about visiting other blogs and doing interviews and guest blogs and giveaways elsewhere too. (I’m in the process of gathering swag, so I’ll let you know what I have to giveaway when I’m able to gather things.)
I’ve been getting many requests for interviews. And while I want to be able to do them all, I don’t know if I’ll be able to. I don’t want to over extend myself or have twenty interviews going up on the same day, because that won’t benefit you or me or blog readers, and that’s no fun.
With that said, if you have something going on at your blog at all this summer and would like me to participate, please ask (I prefer emails at hockingbooks@hotmail.com but you can also comment here). But if I do say no to a request, please know that I’m truly sorry. I want to do as many things as I can, but I can’t do everything.
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There is definitely a lot to find out about this topic. I love all the points you made.
To have more details of event planning… please check the link :
Hi, nice post. This is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing your ideas on, its not just entertaining but also gives your reader knowledge. Good blogs style too, Cheers!
Event Planning Boston MA
It’s summer again and Park city events is open to any events hopefully we can post and share our events too.. thank you for sharing this article..
Event planning has been described in detail by you. It is a very useful article
Events Planning
Great to touch base with you here. I would like to invite you as a guest on my interview show “the penelope cox show.” We’re an educational marketing platform on the digital space with the sole purpose of going in search of the best and connecting my audience. I’ll send you an email with details and look forward to personally connecting. I’m about giving value to your readers so it’s always best to talk about what your readers, bloggers may want. And, welcome that feedback. My weekly radio show airs on fmgradio.com Thursday evenings 8PM/7C. Stop bye. Look forward to talking further.
Penelope Cox
Hi! My name is Elin and I just started to read the Trylle Trilogy. I’m living in Sweden and are reading the books in English ( I don’t even know if they’ve been translated yet, but anyway, I always prefer to read books in their native language) I just wanted to say that I really like them even though I first was really confused with all the Swedish words. I was like, whoot, someone tried to translate my book! Anyway, it started to grow on me and I think that you as a Swede get another kind of understanding of names and so on. The word mänsklig for example made me realize what those people where in an early state which made me feel, I know it’s ridiculous, but yeah, participating. I feel part of the story somehow and it’s really intriguing. It’s also really interesting to see how other people interpret these words and I’m currently entertaining myself with reading others thoughts of pronouncing.
So what I’m trying to say here with my not so ideal English is that I’m really enjoying your work and I’m utterly pleased that I could be a part of your world. Also, you are a real inspiration for being so young and writing with so much depth. So thank you and keep it up!
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I am excited to see what becomes of all of this! I am sure it will be a blast and I am looking forward to having more of a chance to get to know other blogs and writers!
I left a comment on your last post last night and also emailed it to you. I hope that you and Eric have a chance to read it!
I posted on the last blog entry, so I am sorry to repeat, but I would love to be a part of your “fun stuff.” I am probably at the bottom rung of the YA ladder but I have enjoyed reading and watching your success. Many of my students are also fans. Let me know.