Baby, I’m Howlin For You
But here is something I’m pretty sure I can talk about: I’m having my first television interview tomorrow. It’s for a local news station (KTTC out of Rochester), and it should be fun. It’s with Tom Overlie, and I’m secretly a big fan. He sang at a telethon last year, and I had it on my DVR for like a week. (I think it was “Unforgettable.”)
So that’s fun. It’s at the Coffee House on Main which has the single greatest iced cappuccino drink ever. Is that what’s it’s called? I don’t remember. I just know it’s a cold cappuccino with raspberry syrup added, and it is probably the greatest beverage I’ve ever had in my life.
I probably won’t be putting out a new book until March or April at the soonest, and the next book I will be putting out will be Lost Without You. I’ll have more info about that as I get closer to releasing it. I am planning to work on the sequel to Hollowland too, but I have no clue when that would be out.
There is a lot of stuff going on, and it’s hard for me to gauge when things will be ready or when I’ll really be able to work on what.
And if you haven’t heard this song, you should listen to it immediately:
Leave a Reply to Pat Cancel reply
Loved the Trylle Trilogy! I really wanted Wendy to end up with Finn though, oh well! I am in the beginning of the 4th book in the My Blood Approves series and I love it! Are there going to be any movies?
That’s exciting I can’t wait to hear about the fun stuff!
Thanks guys. The interview was actually a lot of fun.
And I probably should clarified what the status is MBA and Honalee. (I’m copy and pasting from FAQ cause I’m lazy).
What’s the deal with Honalee?
Honalee was almost ready for publication when I decided to rewrite the ending. I haven’t done that yet. I’ve tried, but something is off. So I’m stepping back from it for a little bit and working on other things.
Will there be another book in the My Blood Approves series?
There will be five books total, plus one novella about Peter. I don’t know when book five will be out, because I haven’t written it yet.
I can also tell you that the fun stuff I’m not talking about has nothing to do with the MBA series or Honalee. Or Hollowland.
I think Aaron might be on to something–a TV or movie deal sounds just about right! Good luck with your interview. I’m sure it will be nerve-wracking and fun all at the same time.
Congrats on the interview! Secrets, hmmm, now I’m REALLY curious. AND I want an iced cappuccino!
Great song choices. Love your writing! I blasted through MBA series and the Trylle trilogy. A little bright spot during my “layed off” days. I’m looking forward to reading more from you!
Just finished Ascend. I enjoyed it and I can stop wondering what happened now
Good luck on the TV interview – I know you’ll do great!
I’m smelling tv or movie deal…and my nose is very sensitive. I once smelled breakfast cooking downstairs from my bedroom!
Whatever it is, congratulations on the excitement and success, that’s wonderful.
Congrats! Will there be video online somewhere of your interview so those of us who aren’t local can see? That would be really cool.
Now I am totally confused. There was no mention of MBA, is that one of the things you can’t talk about or have you lost interest in it for now?