Amanda's Blog
Frostfire Quotes
It’s just over two months until Frostfire comes out on January 6, 2015, and I am getting crazy excited. So I thought a fun thing to do would be once a week until the book comes out, I’ll post one of my favorite quotes from the book. So here’s the first one:
This is definitely one of my favorite quotes, because Bryn doesn’t mess around.
If you’re as excited for Frostfire to come out as I am (and I am very excited) here are some other fun things you can do until the release:
Check out the excerpt from Frostfire posted at Wattpad
Enter to win a copy of Frostfire
Read troll facts and other info about the Kanin Chronicles at
Join the Trylle re-read at Goodreads (they just started on Torn today)
Visit the blog I did where I answer FAQs about Frostfire
Preorder Frostfire in ebook or paperback
Stay tuned to my blog, Facebook, or Twitter for my updates and sneak peeks on Frostfire
Covers & More
So you know how I’ve been talking about Frostfire a lot lately, and it’s the first book in the new trilogy the Kanin Chronicles? Well now I have the covers for the last two books series to show you, and I really, really love them. They’re beautiful, and there’s also subtle hints to what happens in the books, and I love it.
But that’s enough rambling about how much I love the covers. I’ll just show them to you:

My website World of Amanda Hocking is updated with new info about the Kanin Chronicles. It also
includes some really great facts about troll society that hints at some of what’s happening on the covers of the book. You can check out the Troll Facts: here.
So what do you think of the covers? Which one is your favorite?
Q & A at Goodreads
I mentioned the other day that there is a Trylle Re-Read going on at Goodreads, so readers can get geared up for the release of Frostfire in January. Today there I’m doing a Q&A for Switched at Goodreads. I’ll just be stopping by throughout the day, so you can post a question, and I should be able to answer it. I think I’m currently all caught up, so unless questions start exploding, I do think I’ll be able to get to all of them.
I will also be doing a Q&A for Torn on November 14th, and another for Ascend on December 4th. There are also giveaways for Torn and Ascend coming up in the Trylle Re-Read Goodreads group.
As the release of Frostfire gets closer, there will be more and more fun stuff coming up. I’ll keep you posted. Until then, hop on over to Goodreads and ask me your burning questions. 😉
Frostfire & Fun
So I have several fun things to tell you about Frostfire.
First, there’s currently a giveaway going on through my publisher for a Frostfire gift pack – which includes the book, pins, and really sweet fingerless gloves. To enter the giveaway, go: here. And you should enter now because it only goes until October 21st.
(And seriously. I love the gloves so much. I’m gonna wear them everyday forever).
It is only open to residents of the US, because it’s through the US publisher, but I will always keep you posted about any giveaways, including international.
The next bit of fun news is that in preparation for the release of Frostfire, there is a Trylle re-read going on over at Goodreads. Along with having a place for readers to talk about all their thoughts on the series, there will also be giveaways going on for each of the Trylle books. (The Switched giveaway has already ended, but the Torn one is starting up in a few days and Ascend will be in November).
I’ll also be stopping in throughout the re-read to answer questions about the Trylle books. So if you’ve had any burning questions about the series, now is the perfect time to ask. To check out the re-read, go: here.
And onto the final bit of news: An excerpt from Frostfire is now posted on Wattpad. You can read the sneak peak: here. (If you’re unfamiliar with Wattpad, it’s a great site where people can post original works and get feedback from other readers. I’ve also posted excerpts from the Watersong series, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more stuff there in the future).
The excerpt itself is the first chapter of Frostfire. The Kanin Chronicles takes places four years after the events in the Trylle, but the Prologue starts out right after the ending of Ascend.
I have so much fun stuff for Frostfire and the Kanin Chronicles for the next few months, and I’m soooooo excited for you guys to read the book.
How I Bide My Time
All three books in the Kanin Chronicles have been written, and now I’m getting all jazzed up waiting for you guys to get yours hands on them. I literally cannot wait to hear what you all think about it. In fact, it’s getting very hard to remain patient when there’s only 96 days until Frostfire to come out.
So here’s how I’ve been biding my time.
The majority of it has is probably spent cuddling/yelling at/playing with/cleaning up after my three cats and dog. For instance, I had to give my 60+ pound golden retriever Isley a bath today, and it turns out that she really, really does not like taking baths. Also, my cat Squeak can open drawers and doors, and my cat Sophie is constantly convinced she’s out of food even when the dishes are full of food.
I also watch TV. My current favorite shows are probably Judge Judy and Chopped. I do watch a lot of the Food Network because I am the most boring person that ever lived. I don’t watch a lot of new movies anymore. Like the other day, I started watching the new Transformers, but we were nearly two hours into it, and the dinosaur Transformer still hadn’t been on, and there was still another hour left of the movie, so I gave up.
I do also read a lot. My reading tastes are all over the map. I read a lot of YA, mostly of the paranormal variety. I just read Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White (which I thoroughly enjoyed), and I just got Belzhar by Meg Wolizter. It sounds like its one part Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and one part Sucker Punch, so I think that I’ll enjoy it.
When I’m not reading YA, I tend to read a lot of nonfiction. Sometimes biographies (varying from celebrities s like Michael Caine to dictators like Stalin). I have many books about WWII too, because I’m fascinated by it. But what I’m mostly interested true crime novels, not always Anne Rule but in the same vein of that, and lately I’ve been on a binge reading about people who have escaped from cults.
As far as comics go, I’ve mostly just been reading the New 52 as of late. I go through spurts where I want to read a lot of graphic novels, but right now, I’m just not as in the mood for them. I’m sure it’ll change though.
And of course, I’m always working on new book ideas – some come to fruition, many others don’t. But I’m usually brainstorming or outlining or tinkering with one idea or another.
Beyond entertainment, I like to spend time with my fiance and his son, and my friends and family. Right now, I have been devoting a lot of time to wedding planning, since we’re getting married in a few months, but soon, that’ll die down, and I’ll be back to filling my time with cooking shows and books and yelling at my cat and counting down the days until Frostfire is finally out.