About the Book Bloggers
Julie at A Tale of Many Reviews tweeted this link to a really great post about how book bloggers can help writers. It gives a lot of tips on how to reach bloggers, and it’s much more helpful and specific than anything I’ve said. So if you’re a writer, and you want some ideas on how to get the word out about your book, I would highly suggest checking this out. Read: here.
The one thing the blog doesn’t mention is what happens after your book is reviewed. If you submit a book for review, no matter how they review it – even if its a scathing 1-star review – your only response should be: “Thank for you taking the time to read and review my book. I appreciate the time and work you put into it.” That’s it. That’s all you can say.
I meant to write more, but Charlie Sheen is on 20/20 right now. And he just referred to beating up his hookers and porn stars as “tomfoolery and skulduggery.” And Ambien made him do it.
So yeah… I gotta go. Read the book blogger tips. Be nice. Have fun. Don’t do drugs or hurt porn stars.
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I know you have alot of fans and you have done extremly well for yourself and I commend you for it.
I am exactly where you were in the begining.
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Ok Amanda, We won’t do drugs or hit pornstars,but can we still do tomfoolery and skulduggery? HaHAHA Charlie Sheen is a hoot!!!
Thanks for the tips.
As a writer, book bloggers scare the crap out of me. As an avid reader, I adore them. Maybe some day I’ll resolve those two feelings and properly utilize them for my own published work.
It is clear that ebooks and the latest technology have completely overturned the book market. Some writers already offer their own books through the Web, usually for a charge. But the Internet is more than a showcase. The Web is also a place of exchange, a channel through which the dialogue between the author and his readers can take place without intermediaries. So we will see more and more new reader groups and communities with the same interest. The members of these networks will develop interactions, not only with the writer, but also with the other members of these virtual communities. This development probably means the disappearance of the traditional literature market, although there will always be a place for the promotion and publication market. Authors and publishers will therefore have to adapt their relations to this development. It is obvious that publishers will also use virtual tools as a communication means and adapt to the new technologies in a creative and commercial manner. Comments from the blog of Alex Mero, International Web Novelist.
Hey there! I’m from South Africa and let me just put it out there that I haven’t read any of your books yet… But I really admire you for the successes you have achieved as a writer. Well done and thanks for giving us aspiring writers a glimmer of hope and inspiration. PS: I’m going to follow your blog because I find it quite amusing.
I’m happy if the Author just talks to me, to be honest. Most of the time I get nothing. Tess Oliver is nice, we’ve had a few conversations.
sorry, my english isn’t good. I’m from Catalonia, spain.
your books are only in english?
Hi! I was just wondering if there is coming a second book of Hollowland? I really hope so!