wait. they don’t love you like I love you
I’d rather be an agent. I’d rather be selling and reading someone else’s work. Then I’d know.
With my work, I’m too close. I never can tell. Sometimes, I think its really fantastic. Other times, I think its horrible. Most of the time, I think its just what a book should be. Its just what it’s intended to be.
But when I read about the books agents are looking for, and I hear the way they talk about them, and the way I try to talk about mine, it doesn’t sound like any book is that amazing. At least not any one that I’ve read, let alone one I’ve written.
So I don’t know how to tell anymore. Today is a Debbie Downer day. It’s my last day of vacation, and I’ve felt the sting of rejection today. Sending off queries is so exciting, but then the rejections come, and I start feeling vaguely suicidal and like destroying everything I’ve written.
I know I need a thick skin, and sometimes I really do pull it off. And in my heart, I think my books are good. But today, I’m not sure if I’ll ever find an agent that feels that way.
Tomorrow I’ll feel more optimistic. But today, I don’t.
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I know this an insanely old post and who comments on a 2+ year old post, but I was reading the older posts to see what it was like “back then” and this just perfectly captured what I’ve been feeling as of late. Like exactly. It gives me hope that it can get better with continued hard work on my part and not waiting around for the magic hand!