Switched Is Out Today!!!!!
Amazon, in its infinite wisdom and tricky trickiness, has Switched for sale today. It’s currently only available for the Kindle, but the paperbacks should be up soon. The site that sells my book says the page is up, but when I click on it, I get an error message.
But as soon as the paperback is ready, I’ll have the link for it. And the good news is I was able to keep paperback prices much lower than I was for the My Blood Approves series by switching publishing companies. Paperback copies of Switched will only be $7.99, and the Kindle version is only $2.99!!!!!
The winner of the cover challenge was the brighter purple one (thanks to everyone who voted):
For those of you that buy paperback, the cover will still be the paler image – at least for a little while. I will get it updated with the new, brighter image ASAP.
If you have read Switched and would like to review it, it’s open for reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and I’d love to hear your feedback – even if its negative.
Thanks everyone who offered to review it, and I can’t wait to hear what you all think 
And be sure to check out Switched at Amazon!!!!! And review it at Goodreads!
Also, Adrienne at An Addicted Book Reader gave My Blood Approves a wonderful 4-star review that you should check out! She’s got lots of other great book reviews that should check out while your there. Thanks, Adrienne!
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Thanks Kelly – I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it so much! I can’t wait to read your full review!
OMG Amanda I Love you I recieved Blood Approves (thanks again) and I jumped right in!! I just finished Switched and I love to hate you.
Reason Being: Lets start with Hate= I WANT MORE
Love: Your writing is so “Emotional” Provoking(dunno if this makes sense) but you hit all the right spots I felt everything Wendy did!! And it takes a Awesome Author hence you to do that (by the way did I ever tell you I hate crying. let me say this book squeezed some little tiny beanie tears from my eyes) BUT I LOVED IT!!
Anyways in the Processes of writing my re view and you know Ill send you the details first!!
Thanks again
Yea! Congrats to you!