Stupid Water
Two weeks ago, we had a torentual rain. It was like our house had been on fire, and to save us, Superman had taken the top from a water tower and dumped it on our house. But then we got water in our basement. So thanks, but no thanks, Superman, you douche. Batman would’ve just put out the fire with his fists.
We didn’t get a ton of water in our house. Maybe an inch, and only in really in the parts of our basement that don’t have carpet. So it’s not too bad. But my office in the basement, and my office has carpet.
Pretty much immediately after we got water in the basement, I had a party, and I had friends staying with us, and then we left for Comic-con. So we did not get a chance to properly dry the carpet.
So now my office smells like musty stinky death. Eric claims it doesn’t stink, but I’m starting to not trust his nose.
At any rate – I’m totally neurotic about writing. Like hardcore. Everything has to be just so and just right, and I’m having a hell of time not working in my office. But I don’t want to work in my smelly office either.
We picked out new flooring today, and it’s a fake wood laminate, which will actually work better for rolling the chairs around. But it probably won’t get installed for awhile.
Which means that either I have to learn to deal with writing in the musty office or learn to write somewhere else. And I have to learn to deal with it fast, because I have a ton of work to do. Like a totally completely impossibly obscene amount of work.
So I’ll have to deal with it. But not right now. I did some editing, and that’s work. That’s something. And now I’m watching Project Runway. Later I’ll read Rules of Attraction because I heart Paul Denton.
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I really enjoyed reading your blogs. Will visit this website again for sure.
You should always find the best basement waterproofing companies to make sure that our basements are always dry.
I agree about what was said earlier, make sure the basement is thoroughly treated for mold. It is best to be overly cautious than sorry when it comes to that stuff.
your house insurance should pay for any water damage, a good public adjuster will determine exactly what needs to be done to make your home like it should be before the water damage, they will make sure that your insurance co dosent try to cheat you. a good adjuster will be your adv0cate
Good luck with the water damage. How about Hydro-electric Girl?
I just finished Switched last night and I LOVED IT (continuing on). I love even more that you did it on your own. You’ve encouraged me to do it too. (mine is Keep it up, we all love your work!!
Pull the nasty, stinky carpet and clean the basement floor.
And consider calling one of those basement waterproofing companies–you might need to add a sump pump or new drain tile or fix the grading around the outside of the house or something to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Water + electricity + computer equipment + writer = new superhero being created? (Electrigirl?)
Ha, I’m a Project Runway fan too. I figure, at least I’m still watching people be creative, even if I’m not writing anything at that moment, myself…(Copout, I know.
Have you seen Tom and Lorenzo’s comments on every PR episode? (Over at I think they’re hilarious.
Also, more to the purpose, what helps me when I’m feeling neurotic about writing is to use the ‘just 100 words for today’ trick. I almost never stop when I have reached 100 words, it’s just a way to get the brain back into gear.
That sucks. Good luck with working in it. I watch Project Runway too, last week’s premier. I can’t decide on a fave yet, which is odd, because normally I have one as soon as I’ve seen them all. Eh, and I don’t believe that one girl has never sewn before…Amazing if it’s true, but who knows? Okay, enough Proj. Runway talk…
Amanda – I love Project Runway too. So far I’m rooting for the “elder statesman” b/c I think it’s never too late for a dream to come true.
As to your office issues – I’m on an eternal quest for the perfect writing position/environement. If I ever find it, surely a best seller will follow…. or not.
I’m confident that you’ll meet whatever deadlines you face. Look at the obstacles you’ve overcome so far!
Amanda,I’d like to know more about your life with writing, the before, the after and the build up to success, blogging aside. you’ve cornered a market with amazon, your a talented writer but you and I both know it takes more….Let me in your your secrets…
sincerly yours,