Amanda's Blog
Winter Wonderland
With winter well underway, I was hoping to have some beautiful pictures of the Minnesota weather to share with you. It is the winters here in Minnesota that helped inspire the Kanin Chronicles, along with a trip I took to Canada and Alaska last year. I love winter, and I love the cold. (Or at least I do the first month or so of winter).
Unfortunately, Minnesota is not cooperating this year, and the recent weather has left us with green grass and no snow. Some days it feels more like spring than winter out there. Although, I’m sure that will change any second.
So, instead of sharing my own personal pics of winter, I decided I’d post some of my inspiration images from Pinterest. Winter can be cold and awful, but it’s also so beautiful, and there is something so magical about world blanketed with pure white snow and icicles.
Here are a few of my favorite images:

Frostfire Quote – Week 7
It is only 22 days until Frostfire comes out. Every week I’m posting one of my favorite quotes from the book. This week’s quote happens to be Eric’s other favorite:
TBT – Switched
This week, for Throwback Thursday, I thought it’d be fun to post a fan favorite quote from Switched, the first book in the Trylle series. I picked the quote from Goodreads, based on it being one of the top-liked quote for Switched.
So here’s the quote:
Do you remember who said it? Was it one of your favorites, or do you prefer another one? Share your favorites quotes from Switched. I’d love to hear them. 🙂
Frostfire Quote – Week 6
With less than a month left, we’re finally in the last stretch until Frostfire comes out. Every week I’m posting one of my favorite quotes from the book. This week’s quote happens to be one of my best friend/assistant/viceroy Eric’s favorites, and I have to admit it, I’m partial to it myself. So here it is:
Frostfire Quote – Week 5
It’s only 36 days until Frostfire comes out. Every week I’m posting one of my favorite quotes from the book. Here is a particularly steamy passage: