Amanda Hocking

Amanda's Blog Post

Ascend is for Sale for Kindle & nook

January 12th, 2011 by
This post currently has 30 comments

Ascend is for sale on Amazon right now!! UPDATE: Ascend is now for sale at Barnes & Noble!

Not sure when it will be on for sale on Barnes & Noble. I published them both at the same time, and last time I published a book, B&N went up faster. But Amazon went really fast this time. It took about 24 hours exactly, and it usually takes around 48 or more hours. I think Amazon went faster because I emailed them about my name.

I did also email B&N because of issues with PubIt! being generally stupid. So maybe that will speed it up. But I expect Barnes & Noble have Ascend for sale within the next 24 hours. But again, if it’s not up on B&N by Friday, I will be publishing it through Smashwords, and you’ll be able to buy it from them for the Nook.

At this time, I have not control about when Ascend will be for sale at B&N. Once I hit publish, it’s out of my hands.

Here’s the link for Ascend on Amazon: get it here. Here’s a link for Ascend on Barnes & Noble: get that here.

And please, please be mindful of spoilers in comments and reviews, especially since there’s a delay for Nook readers. There are discussions on Facebook and you can start some on Amazon too. Just alert people when there will be spoilers.

Thank you guys! I hope you all enjoy it! I know I loved writing it!

Oh, on a less than happy note: Australia is flooding something major. I’m secretly a huge fan of Australia, which is why I set some of Wisdom there, and what’s happening there is really sad. Here’s a link where you can donate money to help:

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  • Anonymous says:

    Do you happen to know when Ascend will be available on Smashwords…I have a Sony so I can’t do B&N or Amazon???Thanks

  • Mrs. Weber says:

    I bought Ascend from B&N nearly 2 hours ago. I haven’t yet been able to download it (I was getting a download error), but I am “patiently” waiting…


  • Gabby says:

    You just made my day! I’m about to buy the book now. Thanks for being such an amazing author and congrats!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Just finished Ascend. I loved it!! You did an amazing job telling such a beautiful story. You were wondering about errors. I only noticed 2 very minor. I have read all your books so far. It is such a nice escape. Thanks again.

  • Anonymous says:

    Horay! Just bought Ascend and I cant wait to start reading it. I’d also like to say thanks (as an Australian) for acknowledging the QLD floods, apparently an area the size of France and Germany combined is flooded!

  • JL_Bryan says:

    Congratulations on getting Ascend out, Amanda! Now take some time to relax!

  • JL_Bryan says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Lauren (Australia) says:

    Hey Amanda thanks for thinking of us here in Australia. I live in Brisbane in Queensland where the floods are currently. While I have been lucky to not have any damage to my house it’s nice to know that others are sending their love and support to those affected.

    Thanks for your kindness and support.

    Love your books, Ascend was awesome!