Here’s is one treat you’ll find under the Zombiepalooza tab from Bards and Sages Publishing: Everything from angels to zombies since 2002
Take 50% off both the print and digital version of one of our bestsellers, Dead Men and Women Walking. Zombies, vampires, undead things that should not be. Dozens of short stories featuring the walking dead. Visit our website at www.bardsandsages.com to find other books, and learn how to enter our annual charity writing contest and see your work in print.
Zombies. Vampires. Undead things that should not be. Now the dead share their tales, with over two dozen tales of brain-feasting, blood-drinking, revenge-seeking horror. Follow the walking dead through playgrounds, shopping centers, deserted towns, and corporate complexes as they continue their relentless quests.
To get 50% off an ebook of Dead Men and Women Walking, go: here and enter this discount code VB43U. To get 50% off a paperback, go: here and enter this discount code WLJKS8U8
- Dawn of the Dead (2004)
- Shaun of the Dead
- 28 Days Later
- Army of Darkness
- Dawn of the Dead (1979)
- Night of the Living Dead (1968)
- Dead Alive
- Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Planet Terror
- Zombieland*
- Probably one of the greatest remakes of all time. I laughed, I cried, I got seriously grossed out. Plus the guy who plays Phil on Modern Family is a total trip.
- Somehow this movies manages to be both hilarious and downright tense and frightening. It’s a hard combo, but Simon Pegg is a genius.
- Right before, as in like 20 minutes, I saw this movie in theaters, I got my rook pierced and a tattoo, and this became my most intense movie viewing experience of all time. But even when I’m not in crazy pain, I still love this movie.
- Too, too much fun.
- Some people think this is better than the remake. Those people are wrong. But this is a good movie.
- The one that started it all. Kinda. Okay, so George Romero didn’t invent the zombie, but he did make a classic film that really invented the genre as we know it today.
- The cover alone creeps me out.
- Maybe not so much a “zombie” movie or even a “movie” as a hilarious travesty of film by the “brilliant” Ed Wood.
- Robert Rodriquez knows how to make an awesome zombie flick.
- *I haven’t actually seen Zombieland because of my current issues with Jesse Eisenberg (he knows what he did), but I want to see it, and generally consesus via the internet is that if you like zombies, you should see Zombieland
- World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
- The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks
- Monster Island by David Wellington
- Marvel Zombies: Graphic Novel by Robert Kirkman and Sean Phillips
- Pride & Prejudice & Zombies by Jane Austen… and some other guy
- I don’t know if I approve of mash ups in general, but this one, I kinda dug.
- Breathers: A Zombie’s Lament by S. G. Browne
- Unicorns vs. Zombies by Holly Black*
- Hollowland by Amanda Hocking **
- Hands down, the best zombie book ever.
- I’m not a huge fan of Marvel Comics, but any series that has Peter Parker eating Mary Jane is pretty awesome. Plus, it has an Army of Darkness cross over.
- *I haven’t read this yet. ($9.99 on Kindle? Yeah, right). But I keep imagining how awesome it is.
- **I wrote this. So my opinion is biased. But I do recommend that you read it
- Pan’s Labyrinth
- The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
- The Lost Boys
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre
- Nightmare on Elmstreet (1984)
- Friday the 13th (1980)
- An American Werewolf in London
- Ernest Scared Stupid
- The Exorcist
- Anything by David Lynch. Eraserhead and Blue Velvet are my top picks. His movies make my skin crawl and I get nauseous. That man is the true master of horror.
- No movie has ever freaked me out more as an adult. Because of this:
- I saw this movie twice in theaters. I never do that. But I loved this movie. It has Ted Levine! And really, really horrible creatures! But the sequel might be the worst movie ever made.
- Not scary at all. But awesome.
- The original or the remake. Doesn’t matter. I love them both.
- I didn’t appreciate Freddy’s genius until a few years ago. Now I imagine that if Michael Ian Black were a pedophile that got burned alive, this is what he’d be like. He’s very funny.
- Yeah, it’s horrible. That’s why its awesome.
- This movie really grossed me out as a kid. The werewolf transformation… is disturbing. But I love this movie anyway. And fun fact: I don’t even like werewolves. And it has the Dr. Pepper guy.
- No movie has ever given me more nightmares this one. It’s supposedly a film for “children” but I saw this when I was 10 and it still terrified me. It could be because of massive fear of trolls (truth), but that troll was really scary. Really.
- Classic terror.
When one of their own betrays them to follow a strange young rabbi from Galilee, the elders of the vampire race dispatch Theron, a nine hundred year old assassin, to kill them both.
The rabbi’s name is Jesus. Killing him should be easy.
“33 A.D. by David McAfee is a wildly original, non-stop pulse pounder that tells the story of a vampire assassin whose mission is to kill Jesus of Nazareth. In a genre mired by cliché stories, this stands out as something bold and new.”
- – Jeremy Robinson, author of Pulse and Instinct
The giveaway for the paperback of 33 A.D. has the same rules as the other Zombiepalooza giveaways –
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Alright these contests are crazy. I’m so glad your giving away so many things in honor of Halloween. It truly is my favorite holiday. Thanks!
Mary DeBorde
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
That is a perfect list of zombie movies … 28 Days Later is one of my personal favorites, although 28 Weeks Later wasn’t too bad, either lol
I’m new to your blog but you had me at *zombiepalooza* hehe
So I had to sign up to follow you in GFC!
oh, PS…
In Dead Alive I HAD to stop watching during the puss/pudding scene at the dinner table. Thought I was gonna hurl LOL One of these brave days I’ve got to finish that movie ;D
I had nightmares of the troll from Ernest Scared Stupid too! The movie itself was hilarious but that troll just freaked me out! I think it was all the snot and sticky goo that I would not want ever touching me.
I absolutely love zombie movies! There’s just something about them – certainly not the warm and fuzzies.
emilyking630 [@] yahoo [.] com
I’m looking forward for the month of Zombiepalooza. This looks like a good book to start it off.
I am always looking for the next book to scare the you-know-what out of me. The last one to do it and do it well was Daniel Hecht’s The City of Masks — I was seriously creeped out several times during the book and a scene during the great reveal at the end has stuck with me for years. For someone who loves the cold — like me — its the ultimate bad way to die.
The book 33 A.D. look really great and I hope I win — I’d love to be scared witless again.
Thanks for the chance to win,
Greg “The Undead Rat” Fisher
theundeadrat (@) gmail (.) com
I love all films with zombies. For some reason they strike a chord with me and I can’t get enough of them. Shaun of the Dead is by far my favorite since it’s hilarious and Simon Pegg is awesome. Pan’s Labyrinth is an awesomely creepy movie that gave me nightmares so I loved it.
See? Eisenberg’s general Michael Cera-ness that would normally be annoying is actually a nice contrast to Woody’s crazy (and I don’t think Woody Harrelson was “acting” in this movie). And the rules for surviving a zombie appocalypse…they work just fine for the regular world, too.
Glad you saw, and liked.
I finally watched Zombieland, guys. And I liked it. I mean, Eisenberg is still lame. But everything else was good.
Except Emma Stone doesn’t seem like the kind of girl that would wear that much makeup in the Zombie apocalypse.
But I still enjoy her.
I haven’t seen Fido either. Netflix keeps telling me to watch it, and I keep agreeing with them, and then watching MST3K instead.